Enrollment is closed currently. Contact president@giftedskatersacademy.org for more information

Welcome to the Academy

Register With The Form Below

If you have an account, click here to login otherwise, continue to the form below.

Create a Profile:

Your profile will give you access to the academy resources.

Your Contact Information:

Your information will be handled in accordance to our privacy policies.

*Please note standard messaging and data rates apply.

+ Why opt for texting?



Please indicate "Unknown" for areas you are uncertain about.

*Typically, your boot size can be found on the bottom arch of the boot.

Career Info:

Use the fields below to select what tests you are CURRENTLY WORKING ON - meaning your next levels not your currently passed levels.

By completing this form you will be considered a guest to the Academy, until your registration is approved. As a guest, we ask you to understand a few things so that you can enjoy yourself to the fullest extent. That being said, by completing this form, you verify that you are acknowledging the following information:

  • The person(s) filling this out is 18 years or older, or that the parent or guardian of the participant filling this out is over the age of 18.
  • You understand your responsibility to keep safe your own security credentials, and to mantain your account information. This includes mantaining privacy of your passwords.
  • You have read and understood the privacy policies.
  • By opting into text messaging, YOU understand that standard texting and messaging rates apply.

I understand and acknowledge all points made in the "Verification of Understanding"

*Used to confirm you are not a robot

Since 2021 | Excellence | Transparency | Selflessness | Inclusion | Mindfullness

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